Customer-centric Development of the Cytobank Platform

You talk, we listen

Customer insight and feedback is critical to the successful evolution of the Cytobank platform — it’s leveraged at every stage of the product development cycle and ultimately helps us solve problems, optimize workflows and accelerate discoveries.

By fully understanding exactly how our customers interact with the software and hearing about the specific challenges being encountered, we’re able to identify which areas of the platform need to be improved and what new features would help advance your high-dimensional flow cytometry data analysis.

How Customer Insight Enables Continuous Improvement

Nicole Weit is a senior technical product manager for the Cytobank platform. When it comes to new product development for the platform, it’s up to her to ensure that the decisions we’re making are aligned with the needs of our customers and that customers are involved at every stage along the way.

In this video, Nicole talks about our customer-centric approach to product development and why continuous improvement is essential in creating an empowering software experience.


A Real-life Example — The Development of the Statistical Inference Tool

A great example is when customers were reaching out to us with concerns regarding having to export statistical results to be able to conduct further statistical analysis and generate summary graphics was both time-consuming and prone to errors.

It was this insight that led to the addition of statistical inference tools and summary charts to the Cytobank app.

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The Cytobank platform is an easy-to-learn cloud-based solution for high-dimensional data analysis, and a reliable tool for visual data management and controlled sharing.

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