Biomek NGeniuS全自动文库制备系统

作为一款性能可靠、易于使用,专门针对NGS文库制备的移液系统,Biomek NGeniuS全自动文库制备系统是实验室追求灵活性和更少人工操作的理想之选。用户友好型软件,无需复杂的编程技能,即可轻松完成设置和运行。 

  • Biomek NGeniuS采用Dynamic DeckOptix系统引导并确认实验耗材的正确摆放,避免人为错误
  • 将热循环仪、实验耗材搬运及试剂自动分装功能全面整合,延长无人值守时间
  • 全新Biomek NGeniuS软件支持随时随地进行批次设置和系统监控
  • 内容丰富的NGS样品制备方案免费应用库,助您快速熟悉系统、提升运行效率 

选择 Biomek NGeniuS型号

Biomek NGeniuS产品特性


Biomek NGeniuS dynamic deckoptix camera A9875

  • Dynamic DeckOptix采用精密光学分析方法,实时反馈实验耗材摆放信息,同时借助软件确认正确摆放位置,确保台面装载无误
  • 试剂识别系统采用先进光学字符识别技术确认试剂类型,可在试剂使用前自动检查是否出错,确保无后顾之忧。


Biomek NGeniuS complete deck with labware A9865

  • 试剂管理系统集成创新试剂转盘和温控储存区,无需手动移液,实现多种化学试剂盒的自动化分装,避免试剂暴露于外部环境而发生热降解。
  • 标准整合热循环仪可减少NGS方案手工操作时间
  • 使用夹爪搬运台面实验耗材,延长无人值守时间,并始终按顺序依次执行方案处理步骤
  • 配备可选吸头类型移液头的加样头,支持96和384吸头盒,确保选择恰当的吸头类型匹配所需的移液体积,无需人工干预


Biomek NGeniuS complete deck head up display labware A0019

  • 支持通过Google Chrome或 Microsoft Edge浏览器登录Biomek NGeniuS Portal 软件,随时随地轻松设置样品批次、监控实验运行
  • Biomek NGeniuS批次设置过程仅需六个步骤,无需编程技能即可轻松操作
  • Biomek NGeniuS工作助手(Work Aid)可协助您获得一份试剂和实验耗材选择及制备的检查清单 
  • 转动软件导航转盘(Software Navigation Dial),选择该实验批次并按下,即可开始运行
  • 24寸平视显示器便于时刻掌控重要信息
  • 360° 多色状态指示灯让您随时了解仪器状态 


Biomek NGeniuS pipetting head gripper selective tip 8x1000 tip A9908

  • Biomek NGeniuS每批次可支持运行4-24任意数量的样品,帮助您减少试剂浪费,满足实验室限定的周转时间
  • 提供DNA和RNA测序NGS文库制备方法免费应用库,并支持使用非整盒吸头,避免扔掉已使用部分吸头的吸头盒或为了提高吸头利用率而手动搬运吸头

Content and Resources

Automation of the Agilent SureSelect XT Library Prep Kit on the Biomek NGeniuS System In this application note we demonstrate that the automated processing on the Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System is equivalent to the manual preparations at input concentration of 200 ng (gDNA) and 200 ng (FFPE DNA).
Automating NGS workflows A comparison between a traditional liquid handler and Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System
Reducing Errors associated with NGS library preparation In this application note, we compare Beckman Coulter Next Generation Library Prep System and a traditional low-throughput liquid handler.
Automation of IDT xGenâ„¢ cfDNA & FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit on Biomek NGeniuS In this paper, we detail an automated process for the IDT xGen cfDNA & FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit that offers the laboratory optional settings to optimize a demonstrated application that will process between 4 and 24 samples from start to finish with minimal interaction from the user.
Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System Brochure Brochure: Introducing a reliable, easy-to-use, purpose-built liquid handler for NGS library preparation.


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IMPORTANT: Beckman Coulter makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever express or implied, with respect to this App Template, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or that the App Template is non-infringing. All warranties are expressly disclaimed. Your use of the App Template is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter. This App Template has been demonstrated for use on the Biomek NGeniuS system for the chemistry kit version and the release date shown at the time when the App is selected and created, but has not been validated by Beckman Coulter for use in the diagnosis of disease or other clinical conditions.
Products and demonstrated applications are not intended or validated for use in diagnostic procedures.
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