Panel Design

Multicolor flow cytometry provides a powerful tool for the examination of cellular functions at the single cell level, the identification of underlying mechanisms and alterations in the disease state. At the same time it increases laboratory efficiency, however optimal panel design is critical for generate correct and reproducible results.

  Beckman Coulter tandem dyes give you the ability to add additional fluorescent parameters to your experiment. 

Preserving sensitivity is one of the main challenges in panel design, as it is, among other factors, influenced by:

  • Fluorochrome brightness
  • Spillover
  • Spreading
  • Co-expression

Learn more with our poster "How to Preserve Sensitivity"


Disclaimer: Beckman Coulter can't provide support to build panels with ASRs for specific applications. It is the responsibility of the customer to validate the panels when using ASR or CE-IVD reagents. 
