

设计和优化多色免疫表型方案是一个耗时且典型的迭代过程。 在将其用于实验目的之前,可能需要长达四个月的工作。[1] 2010年,细胞学A部分发表了一份给编辑的通讯,呼吁出版一种新的同行评审出版物类型,OMIP,优化多色免疫表检方案。

“此出版物类型的目标是:(1) 为希望使用相同(或高度相似)方案的研究人员减少开发时间,(2) 为创建新的 OMIP 提供起点,以及 (3) 为通过引用该出版物为方案开发人员提供一个参考机制。”[1]

流式细胞学领域的范式转变使研究人员更容易获得这种技术。 仪器硬件的进步为低成本台式分析仪带来了高性能。 降低仪器和实验设置复杂性的软件可促进流式细胞学的初级研究者进行可靠的数据收集。数据分析和降维算法有助于研究者进行数据解读。资源和信息能使方案设计更为强大,也使得生物学家将多参数方法应用到他们的细胞系统。在这本书中,我们汇集了贝克曼库尔特的多色流式细胞测定的尖端工具和资源,以帮助进行实验设计。

1. Mahnke, Y., Chattopadhyay, P. and Roederer, M. (2010), Publication of optimized multicolor immunofluorescence panels. Cytometry, 77A: 814-818. doi:10.1002/cyto.a.20916

这本 100 多页的小册子将包括:

  • 按生物学组织 OMIP 出版物,帮助确定启动方案设计的最佳资源
  • 贝克曼库尔特的DURAClone抗体方案
  • 每个方案所需的探测器建议
  • 包括用于数据分析的提示和资源




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Designing and optimizing multicolor immunophenotyping panels is a time consuming and typically iterative process. It can take up to four months of work prior to using it for experimental purposes. [1] In 2010 Cytometry Part A published a Communication to the Editor calling for the publication of a new peer reviewed publication type, the OMIP, Optimized Multicolor Immunophenotyping Panel.

“The goals of this publication type are: (1) to alleviate the development time for researchers who wish to use the same (or highly similar) panels, (2) to provide a starting point for the creation of novel OMIPs, and (3) to provide a mechanism for attribution to the developers of the panel via citation of the publication.” [1]

A paradigm shift in the field of flow cytometry is making this technique more accessible to researchers. Advances in instrumentation are bringing high performance in lower cost benchtop analyzers. Software that reduces the complexity of instrument and experiment setup promotes robust data collection by investigators new to flow cytometry. Algorithms for data analysis and dimension reduction aid the researcher in data interpretation. Resources and information to aid in robust panel design are also allowing biologists to apply the multiparametric approach to their cellular systems. In this book we’ve brought together Beckman Coulter’s cutting-edge tools for multicolor flow cytometry and resources to aid in experimental design.

1. Mahnke, Y., Chattopadhyay, P. and Roederer, M. (2010), Publication of optimized multicolor immunofluorescence panels. Cytometry, 77A: 814-818. doi:10.1002/cyto.a.20916

This 100+ page booklet will include:

  • Organized OMIP publications by biology to help identify the best resource to start your panel design
  • Beckman Coulter's DURAClone antibody backbone panels
  • Suggestions for detectors needed for each panel
  • Includes tips and resources for data analysis