RNAdvance Tissue - 组织总 RNA 提取与纯化试剂盒

RNAdvance Tissue 总 RNA 提取技术结合贝克曼库尔特自动化技术,向研究人员提供一个真正无人值守的解决方案,在回收率保持一致的前提下,可以从多孔板中获得高质量的总 RNA。通过使用固相可逆吸附 (SPRI) 顺磁性磁珠技术,RNAdvance Tissue 系统可从各种组织中提取总 RNA,无需去除有毒害的有机溶剂废液。RNAdvance Tissue 系统可从软组织、纤维组织和富含脂质的组织提取总 RNA,提取率高。

  • 从多种组织类型中提取和纯化高质量总 RNA
  • 有效去除基因组 DNA 及其他杂质
  • 无需离心或真空抽滤
  • 无有机提取步骤
  • 支持自动化及手工处理
  • 能够在 Biomek NXP Span-8 移液工作站上同时处理 8-96 个样品

Explore From Tissue Models

RNAdvance Tissue 试剂盒工作流程视图

Genomics RNAdvance Tissue Workflow


应用:从组织提取总 RNA

下游应用技术: qRT-PCR,微阵列分析


手工操作过程:A. 将组织放入裂解液中 B. 匀浆及 蛋白酶 消化。


  1. 加入结合缓冲液
  2. 分离磁珠,去上清液,用乙醇清洗
  3. DNase I消化(可选)
  4. 加入重新结合缓冲液(仅适用于进行可选 Dnase 步骤时)
  5. 分离磁珠,去上清液,用乙醇清洗
  6. 洗脱


使用 RNAdvance Tissue 方法分离总 RNA,产量高,无需离心、真空抽滤或使用有机溶剂。使用 RNAdvance Tissue 从 10 mg 大鼠肝组织分离 RNA,产量比 RNeasy* 方法高 三倍,比 MagMax* 方法高 两倍(图 1)。如图 2 所示,RNAdvance Tissue 体系提取的 RNA 的 Ct 值更低,显示 RNA 的起始量增加。

图 1. RNAdvance Tissue 体系与同类试剂盒比较,以多孔板形式提取 10 mg 大鼠肝组织,每种试剂盒 N = 24。

图 2使用  RNAdvance 和同类 RNA 提取试剂盒处理等量大鼠肝组织,每种 8 个重复。使用 Invitrogen First Strand Synthesis 试剂盒进行 RT 反应,用量与各试剂盒相等。在 ABI Prism* 7900 上使用 Applied Biosystems TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix* 进行 qPCR 反应。引物和探针旨在扩增大鼠的 β-肌动蛋白基因。


分离总 RNA 的能力在各种组织类型间有很大差别,这是由许多因素导致的,包括 RNases 的内切水平差异和某些组织的纤维或富含脂质的属性。RNAdvance Tissue 可很好的适应各种组织样品。图 3 显示了来自 5 个不同组织类型(包括纤维组织和多脂组织)提取的 RNA 产量。

图 3. 在 Biomek NX Span-8 上使用 RNAdvance Tissue 体系从多个不同大鼠组织提取总 RNA。产量以 µg/mg 组织为单位。 肝组织 N = 24,所有其他组织 N = 8。

Product Specifications

Application Uses RNA Isolation, RNA Extraction, RNA Sequencing, Nucleic Acid Sample Prep
Format Liquid
Starting Sample Material Tissue
Automated Available Yes
产品货号参考 A32646


Gill, C., Phelan, J. P., Hatzipetros, T., Kidd, J. D., Tassinari, V. R., Levine, B., . . . Vieira, F. G. (2019, April 30). SOD1-positive aggregate accumulation in the CNS predicts slower disease progression and increased longevity in a mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS. Scientific Reports, 9(6724). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43164-z

  • Used to extract RNA from mouse tail

Nakhuda, A., Josse, A. R., Gburcik, V., Crossland, H., Raymond, F., Metairon, S., . . . Timmons, J. A. (2016, August 2016). Biomarkers of browning of white adipose tissue and their regulation during exercise- and diet-induced weight loss. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104(3), 557–565. doi:10.3945/ajcn.116.132563

  • Used to extract RNA from human muscle

Disclaimer: Beckman Coulter makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever express or implied, with respect to this protocol, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or that the protocol is non-infringing. All warranties are expressly disclaimed. Your use of the method is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter. Not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions. This protocol is for demonstration only, and is not validated by Beckman Coulter.

Content and Resources

Automated Demonstrated Methods for Biomek i-Series Workstations (PDF) Learn more about automated NGS Library Construction and Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation methods for Biomek i-Series workstations
RNAdvance Tissue DataSheet The RNAdvance Tissue kit is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) isolation reagent kit built on SPRI paramagnetic bead-based technology. It enables extraction of total RNA from a wide variety of tissues without the hazards and waste removal issues of organic solvents or the time and labor consuming steps of vacuum filtration and centrifugation procedures.
Evaluate Beckman Coulter's Extraction Kits Review this flyer to determine which reagent kit can best support your workflow based on your extraction needs and starting samples.
SPRI Methodology Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) technology, uses paramagnetic beads to selectively bind nucleic acids by type and size.
FormaPure RNA: Extended Protocol for RNA Isolation from FFPE Sample This document provides instructions for using the FormaPure RNA extraction and purification kit.


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